της Caryl Churchill.
Heard her boast beast a roast beef eater, daughter
could spin span spick and spun the lowest form of
wheat straw into gold, raw into roar, golden lion
and lyonesse under the sea, dungeonesse under the
castle for bad mad adders and takers away.
Never marry a king size well beloved. Chop chip
pan chap finger chirrup chirrup cheer up ogg with
you’re making no headway. Weeps seeps deeps her
pretty puffy cream cake hole in the heart operation.
Sees a little blackjack thingalingo with a long long
tale awinding. May day, she cries, may pole axed
me to help her. So I spin the sheaves shoves
shivers into golden guilg and geld and if she can’t
guessing game and safety match my name then I’ll
take her no mistake no mister no missed her no
mist no miss no me no. Is it William Gwylliam
Guillame? Is it John Jack the ladder in your
stocking is it joke? Is it Alexander Sandro Andrew
Drewsteignton? Mephistopheles Toffeenose
Tiffany’s Timpany Timothy Mossycoat? No’t
ain’t, says I, no tainted meat me after the show
me what you’ve got. Then pointing her finger says
Tom tit tot! Tomtom tiny tot blue tit tit! Out of her
pinkle lippety loppety, out of her mouthtrap, out
came my secreted garden flower of my youth and
beauty and the beast is six six six o’clock in the
morning becomes electric stormy petrel bomb.
Shriek! shrink! shuck off to a shack, sick, soak,
seek a sleep slope slap of the dark to shelter skelter
away, a wail a whirl a world away.
Slit slat slut. That bitch a botch an itch in my
shoulder blood. Bitch botch itch. Slat itch slit
botch. Itch slut bitch slit.
Put my hand to the baby and scissors seizures
seize you sizzle. Metal cross cross me out cross
my heartburn sunburn sunbeam in my eyelash your
back. Or garlic lickety split me into two with the
stink bombastic. Or pin prick cockadoodle do you
feel it? But if the baby has no name better nick a
name, better Old Nick than no name, because then
we can have the snap crackle poppet to bake and
brew and broody more babies and leave them
an impossible, a gobbling, a no.
I’ve been a hairy here he is changeling changing
chainsaw massacre massive a sieve to carry water
from the well well what’s to be done? Brother
brewed berr in an eggshell. I said I’m old old
every so olden dazed but I never see saw Marjory
before three two one blast off!
Put me on a red hot shovel pushel bushel and a
peck peck peck. Gave me red hot metal in a piping
hot metal in a pie ping pong what a stink. Call the
vicar to exorcise regular sex a size larger
six or seventh heaven and hellcat.
Chopped up the hag whole hog higgledy pig in the
middle. Kelpie gallops them into the loch stock
and barrel of fun fair enough and eats them, falls
in her lap lap lap, her hand in his hairy, there is
sand in it there is and there is sand and shells
shock. Bloody Bones hides in the dark cupboard love all.
See through the slit where he sits on piles of bloody
boney was a warrior and chews whom he likes.
Dollop gollop fullup.
But they’re so fair fairy fair enough’s as good as a
feast day. Take them by the handle and dance in
the fairy ring a ring ding sweet for a year and a
day date data dated her never finished the first
reel first real dance in the fairy ring on your finger
and bluebell would wouldn’t. Their friends drag
’em out dragon laying the country waste of time
gentlemen. Listless and pale beyond the palemoon
light of heart sore here with spirits with spirit
dancing the night away in a mangy no no no come
back again.
Οι μονόλογοι από το Skriker είναι ευφυείς και ευγλωττοι, το λιγότερο. Ο τρόπος που συνδυάζονται οι λέξεις αλλά και ο ειρμός που προκύπτει (παρόλο το παράλογο φαίνεσθαι) ειναι εντυπωσιακά. Η απόδοση στα ελληνικά (είχε ανεβει στο Θέατρο Πόρτα πριν μερικά χρόνια και τον ρόλο του κακού ξωτικου-σκράικερ που μπορεί και μεταμορφώνεται, κρατούσε η Καραμπέτη) χάνει πολύ.
Heard her boast beast a roast beef eater, daughter
could spin span spick and spun the lowest form of
wheat straw into gold, raw into roar, golden lion
and lyonesse under the sea, dungeonesse under the
castle for bad mad adders and takers away.
Never marry a king size well beloved. Chop chip
pan chap finger chirrup chirrup cheer up ogg with
you’re making no headway. Weeps seeps deeps her
pretty puffy cream cake hole in the heart operation.
Sees a little blackjack thingalingo with a long long
tale awinding. May day, she cries, may pole axed
me to help her. So I spin the sheaves shoves
shivers into golden guilg and geld and if she can’t
guessing game and safety match my name then I’ll
take her no mistake no mister no missed her no
mist no miss no me no. Is it William Gwylliam
Guillame? Is it John Jack the ladder in your
stocking is it joke? Is it Alexander Sandro Andrew
Drewsteignton? Mephistopheles Toffeenose
Tiffany’s Timpany Timothy Mossycoat? No’t
ain’t, says I, no tainted meat me after the show
me what you’ve got. Then pointing her finger says
Tom tit tot! Tomtom tiny tot blue tit tit! Out of her
pinkle lippety loppety, out of her mouthtrap, out
came my secreted garden flower of my youth and
beauty and the beast is six six six o’clock in the
morning becomes electric stormy petrel bomb.
Shriek! shrink! shuck off to a shack, sick, soak,
seek a sleep slope slap of the dark to shelter skelter
away, a wail a whirl a world away.
Slit slat slut. That bitch a botch an itch in my
shoulder blood. Bitch botch itch. Slat itch slit
botch. Itch slut bitch slit.
Put my hand to the baby and scissors seizures
seize you sizzle. Metal cross cross me out cross
my heartburn sunburn sunbeam in my eyelash your
back. Or garlic lickety split me into two with the
stink bombastic. Or pin prick cockadoodle do you
feel it? But if the baby has no name better nick a
name, better Old Nick than no name, because then
we can have the snap crackle poppet to bake and
brew and broody more babies and leave them
an impossible, a gobbling, a no.
I’ve been a hairy here he is changeling changing
chainsaw massacre massive a sieve to carry water
from the well well what’s to be done? Brother
brewed berr in an eggshell. I said I’m old old
every so olden dazed but I never see saw Marjory
before three two one blast off!
Put me on a red hot shovel pushel bushel and a
peck peck peck. Gave me red hot metal in a piping
hot metal in a pie ping pong what a stink. Call the
vicar to exorcise regular sex a size larger
six or seventh heaven and hellcat.
Chopped up the hag whole hog higgledy pig in the
middle. Kelpie gallops them into the loch stock
and barrel of fun fair enough and eats them, falls
in her lap lap lap, her hand in his hairy, there is
sand in it there is and there is sand and shells
shock. Bloody Bones hides in the dark cupboard love all.
See through the slit where he sits on piles of bloody
boney was a warrior and chews whom he likes.
Dollop gollop fullup.
But they’re so fair fairy fair enough’s as good as a
feast day. Take them by the handle and dance in
the fairy ring a ring ding sweet for a year and a
day date data dated her never finished the first
reel first real dance in the fairy ring on your finger
and bluebell would wouldn’t. Their friends drag
’em out dragon laying the country waste of time
gentlemen. Listless and pale beyond the palemoon
light of heart sore here with spirits with spirit
dancing the night away in a mangy no no no come
back again.
Οι μονόλογοι από το Skriker είναι ευφυείς και ευγλωττοι, το λιγότερο. Ο τρόπος που συνδυάζονται οι λέξεις αλλά και ο ειρμός που προκύπτει (παρόλο το παράλογο φαίνεσθαι) ειναι εντυπωσιακά. Η απόδοση στα ελληνικά (είχε ανεβει στο Θέατρο Πόρτα πριν μερικά χρόνια και τον ρόλο του κακού ξωτικου-σκράικερ που μπορεί και μεταμορφώνεται, κρατούσε η Καραμπέτη) χάνει πολύ.
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